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The Greater Church of The Risen Savior traces its history in the great revival that began in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, 33 A.D. The twentieth century beginnings can be traced to the revival in Los Angeles California at 312 Azuza Street led by Bishop W. J. Seymour in 1906. From this now famous place, revival spread throughout the United States and the world. This historical revival was instrumental in the lives of our dynamic founding senior  pastors and overseers, Bishop Dr.Victore' and Pastor Dr. Denise L. Folks.

The love, sacrifice and prayers of twenty years have gone into the development of the Greater Church of The Risen Savior and Ministries in west, southwest and northeast Baltimore City. Its roots go deep, and are firmly entrenched in the social, educational, business,professional and religious life.

The Greater Church of The Risen Savior was founded by our esteemed Founding Senior Pastors, Bishop Dr.Victore’ Folks,Ph.D.,D.D. and Pastor Prophetess Denise L. Folks,Ph.D.,D.Min. in February, 1998 in their residence located in northwest Baltimore County. In August, 1998, our founding pastors were ordained by the presbytery and official documents were signed by Bishops: Apostle Eddie A. Montgomery, Ph.D, Apostle Floyd Nelson, Ph.D., Bishop Reese Powell,Ph.D.,and Bishop Alverta V. Montgomery, Ph.D. Apostle Floyd Nelson preached the celebratory evening message. He was accompanied by his wife,Dr. Betsy Nelson. The ministry began with five members.

The Greater Church of The Risen Savior was incorporated in Maryland in 1998 and became a 501    ( c ) 3 organization in 1999.

The official schedule of services included Wednesdays and Sundays. Many of our first time visitors were school teachers. Some youth from the Baltimore County community would assemble with our founders for Prayer ,Praise and Worship.

After one year in their residence,Dr. Denise L. Folks was led of the Lord to a storefront rental property on North Fulton Avenue. The ministry rented this building for one year. Many community activities were held in this small building. The ministry greatly benefited the community.

Our Pastors have always possessed a genuine faith and love for the citizens of our wonderful city. They continued to seek a larger facility to accomodate the ongoing progressive vision of the church.In October, 1999, while driving near Pulaski and Saratoga Street the Lord directed our Pastors to notice two dark buildings on the right. They drove through the center gates of this large property, not knowing who owned the property. They got out of their vehicle and laid hands on the building. They asked the Lord for His Divine Favor concerning His work in Baltimore.  Shortly thereafter, the building was for sale and Bishop Victor Folks met with the realtor' and asked several questions concerning the sale price. The sale price was $ 425,000 . The church attempted obtaining a loan for this amount but to no avail.

Pastor Dr. Denise L. Folks, our church Prophetess and Leading Lady prayed intensely concerning the purchase of 200-10 North Bentalou (26,000 sq.ft of space) The Holy Spirit spoke to her heart and told her to "ask for the building". She immediatedly obeyed the Lord and called the treasurer of Victor Graphics, Inc. After a short meeting with the C.P.A. and the President of Victor Graphics she received word of their agreement to go forth with the process. VICTORY IN JESUS OUR SAVIOR AND LORD!  The CLOSING was held with their attorney, comptroller and vice president, Mr. David Gissell at 1129 Bernard Drive. Our founding pastors took the DEED to this property on December 29,1999 with zero monies owed ! A TRUE TESTIMONY TO GOD'S FAVOR. The  2000 Watch Night Service was held in the first classroom of our NEW building on the upper level. Our founding pastors prayed, read the scriptures and concluded the prayer gathering. Right after the prayer gathering they began cleaning the first level for Sunday Morning Glory Celebration.

Our Pastors continued to lead the capital campaign and the oversight of the ongoing ministries of our great Kingdom Church. Some of the members who traveled with us from North Fulton remained faithful and committed to the ministry. 

Our Founding Pastors led with foresight, encouragement and hard work ethics. They give their all to the ministry. 

Directly after acquiring the facility our Pastors had to file papers in the Zoning Department to approve our intentions. The Baltimore City Zoning Board APPROVED our appeal and allowed every intention of the Lord to go forth. Great God Almighty! This was a great victory for the ministry.

Throughout the ten years at 200-10 North Bentalou Street @ Penrose the entire facility was renovated.  This process was very costly and required great faith and tireless labour. The vision was lead by our dedicated pastors. It was achieved by their faithful oversight,sacrifice and love for the people of God !

One million plus dollars has gone into the renovation of the Bentalou Street facility.

The following projects were implemented and achieved:

Renovation of 6,800 sq.feet Christian Academy (A.C.S.I.)

Renovation of 7,900 sq. feet for Positive Youth Expressions Hall

Schuster Hall one and two 

New roof on the entire building

New exterior gate shipped from New Mexico

New Church van

New Parking lot, New Computer Laboratory

New playground and New computers in the Academy

New baptism pool, New three oil tanks

Two new large stages in Schuster Hall

Purchased over 500 chairs

New HVAC systems, New Carpet throughout the entire building

New Plumbing and electrical , new staff lavatory, new sinks in Child Care Department

New exterior wall for building, Dr. Martin Luther king, Jr. Mural 

New exterior windows

New Roland Piano, Hammond and Rodgers Organ

Received donations from California 44 pews for Chapel area 

 It has taken true dedication,financial means and Kingdom excellence to move this end time ministry forward . 

Bishop Dr.Victore' and Pastor Dr. Denise L. Folks.

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